Sika Moon Covergirl

Sika Moon in the Press

Sika Moon

Sika Moon

In the last months there’s been some press articles andinterviews about me in different countries and languages and I want do share the links to the articles in this post so you can read more about me. I also made it to the coverpage of a big german newspaper and the australian autobabes Magazine. Not much more to tell about this as the articles and Interviews tell a lot for theriselves. Check put the links and enjoy!

Kisses, Sika

Autobabes Magazine

Sika Moon Covergirl
Sika Moon is Covergirl aut Autobabes Magazine new Year Edition

Sika Moon has then in the australien autobabes Magazines two times now. I’ve been the covergirl of the New Year’s edition 2024 with a stunning 14 page feature about me inside the Magazine. you can order the Magazine in print or online here:

Autobabes New Year Edition

My other 12 page feature is in autobabes Edition 106. you can find it Print or Online here:

Autobabes Edition 106

Interview and Title in the Newspaper TAZ

In March 20204 I had a large Interview about me and my work in the famous german newspaper TAZ. Read all about my answers to their very reflected and good questions online here:

Sika Moon: Interview in the Newspaper TAZ

List of press links and Interviews

Here is a link list to more press articles and Interviews about me:

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